While being terribly directed by the dreaded Michael Bay and written by some "Lost" writers on a bad day, "Transformers" makes up for its shortcomings with shock-and-awe special effects. They are by far the best of the year and easily surpass "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End", the previous frontrunner. Expect it to be nominated and win Best Visual Effects as well as both sound categories, but it probably will just nab an award for Sound Mixing. Other than the visual wonder within the movie, Shia LaBeouf's performance stands out and is reminiscent of Vince Vaughn's recent work in "Wedding Crashers". He is very comical and good at being scared when necessary. Expect grown-up Louis Stevens to garner some major awards in the not-to-distant feature (but not for this one).
The trailers were pretty cool for this one, but I'm mainly looking forward to Will Smith's apocalyptic action flick "I Am Legend", which is curiously placed in prime Oscar time in mid-December and carries a "Children Of Men" feel. J.J. Abrams' new movie, which may or may not be titled "1-18-08" looks to be great and will probably gather a strong cult following.
Next up: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
I thought Transformers was pretty good. I obviously don't think its this "awsome omega" great hit, and I doubt it will even be on the top 10 of best movies this year, but for what it was suppose to be (popcorn action flick) I thought it was good, and I enjoyed it alot better than Spidy 3 and Pirates 3. I also enjoyed this better than Bay's last movie "The Island" which was very disappointing.
"I Am Legend", or as I like to call it, "The Pursuit of Happyness 2: Gardner Takes on the Big Apple".
Transformers looks amazing. I almost bought the Optimus Prime to Truck toy today in Wal-Mart. I decided to buy Patton instead. A good buy, I thought.
About I am Legend, I'm definitely anxious to see that movie, but my most anticipated movie to see this year has to be "There Will Be Blood". After seeing the leaked trailer Day-Lewis' teaser monologue was one of the best I've seen in years. I can't wait to see it. Same goes for "No Country For Old Men". But the two movies that im really anxious to see (out of all announced films) has to be The Dark Knight. Batman Begins was amazing, and my biggest complaint about the film, won't be a problem in the next one (Basically my sole problem with film was how they really mistreated the Scarecrow, but with The Joker being a big focus in next, I doubt they'll be doing that in the next one)
The movie itself, I thought, was bad, but some aspects were really good. Shia Lebouef was really good and Megan Fox is my new wife lol. You can pencil it in for best sound mixing and maybe best visual effects. Overall it was really cool. Bad, but cool...just what a summer movie should be
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