Tom O'Neill over at The Envelope just posted on his forum the Emmy's Top 10 Supporting Actresses in a Drama Series as determined by a popular vote. There are some surprise inclusions, like S. Epatha Merkerson for "L&O: SVU". But there is one person who is not included...and that is none other than Elizabeth Mitchell who plays Juliet on "Lost". Considered the best new addition to the show and one of the best part of last season, Mitchell, according to O'Neill, failed to score highly in the popular vote to get a spot in the Top 10.
Hopefully this is a mistake and his source's information is tainted. SHE WOULD WIN THE FUCKING EMMY!!!! I find it very hard to believe that the best actress on one of TV's most popular and critically lauded shows. I'm going to be very disappointed if she is not one of the final 5 nominees when the lists are revealed on Thursday. But if she isn't, the award will be Sandra Oh's to lose.
I guess this is my chance to point out another thing you Emmywatchers may be thinking about. A lot of people, including myself, want "Friday Night Lights" to win or at least be nominated. I stand confidently behind my prediction for one big reason, which I will explain now. Certain people are attracted to certain things. Jocks like sports shows. Nerds like Star Wars and LOTR. Teenage girls like MTV and High School Musical. And film/TV enthusiasts like high quality entertainment. "FNL" is considered high quality entertainment because it deals with its subjects in a very mature manner without injecting stupid pickup lines (i.e. CSI and Bones). The people voting for the Emmys are producers, actors, directors, writers, etc. Theoretically, these artists should vote for more artsy shows, which would explain why shows like "Criminal Minds" and "Yes, Dear" are shunned year after year. Those types of shows (mainly the spawn of CBS) may be extremely popular but do not represent good filmmaking. "FNL" and "Lost" and "The Sopranos" are sometimes better than the year's best films and I believe that the TV Academy will recognize that.
As for Elizabeth Mitchell, I really REALLY hope the information is incorrect for credibility sake. She is one of the, if not the, best actresses on TV right now. Please, if there is a God, give us Emmy geeks this. Just this...and "FNL".
1 comment:
I really hope that is fake, because she and matthew fox deserve an emmy this year!
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