It is true, I am about to bash recent Golden Igloo winner "The Valley Of Ashes" and I'll probably make enemies with Zgamer after this but I don't care I want to say this. Z, feel free to do the same with mine, I won't get angry but I may defend them fiercely if I feel your accusations are unwarranted. Some of you might think this is just me being a sore loser and maybe I am (even though I thought "A New Agenda" should've won). So here it goes.
Problem #1: The Plot When one first reads "The Valley Of Ashes", one is taken aback by the amazing prose and horrific imagery in the bait's synopsis section. But, if you've read it already, take a look back and read the plot again, without paying attention to the adjectives and rest of the words, but rather examine the plot itself. If you do this, you will find that there is no plot, just a beginning that suggests something and forces the reader to assume the author has a plan after the synopsis has ended. Unless it has changed since I've read it, the bait just stops after the main character starts walking without giving insight into the rest of the story. Yeah we know that he walks around Vietnam but what happens to him? Specifics are needed!
Problem #2: The Cast Well, there is none, except for Barry Pepper (pictured left). The fact that there is only one person in the cast list suggests that he is the only person we see throughout the whole film. I'm assuming that he meets other people along his trek, which should have been explained in the synopsis as well.
Problem #3: The Crew This is the worst part of the bait in my opinion, just because I'm a schtickler for originality. Roman Polanski and Ronald Harwood are a good team and even won real Oscars together because "The Pianist" was so innovative and fresh. This bait uses the memory of that great movie and twists it for its own benefit. It basically has the same story. Pepper's character treks alone across Vietnam and in "The Pianist" Brody's walks around Poland while evading the Nazis. This should be renamed "The Pianist II: Vladislaw in Saigon"
So, again, I am profusely sorry to Zgamer and anybody else who may be offended by this article. This is a contest, and like the real Oscar race, it can get dirty if the stakes are high enough. This is me trying to do what it takes to win and if anybody thinks I'm out of line for doing this let me just ask you one question: Would have the balls to do it?
Pat, I completely understand where you are coming from. I mentioned it to Zgamer when I reviewed it a while back, but he said he was going for a Cast Away feel and I thought it was a good choice. Anyway, I still thought it was a great bait that will have people talking...
I guess you could read my review on the bait to get my opinion of it which goes against most of your arguments. All in all, I was kind of sick of having every story handed to me on a silver platter and by "baiting" us with the opening scene and that alone was refreshing. I don't think there is a cast or people he'll come in contact with other than the unseen vietkong whom he may or may not kill at times.
But you have every right to post this and it'll be a shame if you make enemies and lost votes. I've been outspoken about acclaimed baits that I thought weren't good and that may have kept me from winning some, but I think this community respects honesty, and is professional about their voting standards.
I know you want me to comment, so I will make my case here. Now, you expect me to bash you like you bashed me. Well, I really don't feel like bashing you cause I respect you too much. Sure, you don't always show up in the forums, but that's understandable with college and all. I also just want to say that I voted for Border Man in the Festival for Future Best Picture Drama.
Now I appreciate your honesty in your confusion and concerns with the bait. So if I may, I would like to clear stuff up for the people at home. The reason I only did the intro to the movie is because I want people to use the part of their brain that has been missing in many baits: a sense of imagination. Why should I spoil how the story is going to progress? Isn't it more fun to guess and create your own scenario? I really wanted to be original and try something different with that.
Now as for the cast, that's another area I wanted to be experimental on. We've seen far too many baits with dozens of big name actors and describing about casts of millions. Why not focus on one man, since that is the most epic story of all? One man's struggle can be more monumental than the plight of dozens combined. I also wanted to convey that sense of individuality to compliment the bait's theme of survival. It's supposed to be a study on man's natural survival instincts. In his predictament, he wouldn't meet other people who could help him. He has to rely on his own basic instincts and skills to make it home. That's why I chose to do that.
This bait is supposed to be more than a simple war film. It's a very artistic movie that is uses the horror of war to convey the hope and beauty the jungles should convey. It also is tryng to go for something I feel more films should do: trying to capture a piece of life as it is. Sure, the circumstances are a bit extreme, but I want this film to make you feel like you are a part of this.
I wish you luck for the competition. I really liked Border Man and I see good things coming its way.
P.S. If it's any consulation, I thought A New Agenda should have won too.
Just a funny thought while I'm at it. This may be the first major smear campaign I've seen in the competition. Just a thought.
I wouldn't consider it a smear campaign. I don't think this kind of bait is his cup of tea and it's winning awards. It's a real frustrating feeling to not understand how something you don't really like is so well regarded.
Since this is his blog, it's only natural to express those feelings. Now, if he starts putting posters up on the forum saying not to vote for it, then it'd be safe to call it a smear campaign.
Trust me, I'm sure we all have been a bit irritated by some past winners, just like the real Oscars. I know I have.
Yeah, that may have been a bit harsh of a sstatement. I guess I was just really surprised someone would bash me like that. Oh well, good luck with Border Man Pat.
I guess it would have been in better taste to just review your bait here instead of doing an article format. It's really that last paragraph. I've done it before but I didn't do it to win. I did it cos I was pissed.
You really expected Zgamer to fire back? Zgamer never bashes anyone. He may debate, but he never, ever makes personal attacks. I have yet to see him engage in an arguement where he wasn't polite and respectful.
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